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Welcome to the web page of the action "ENHEMS-Buildings -- Enhancement of Research, Development and Technology Transfer Capacities in Energy Management Systems for Buildings", funded by the European Union through Science and Innovation Investment Fund of IPA III.c Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme 2007-2009 for Croatia.
ENHEMS-Buildings action was presented on Croatian National Television within the Eko zona show. Eko zona is a weekly TV show on ecology, sustainable development, renewable energy sources, energy savings and environmental protection. One of the objectives of the show is through review of the difficulties and problems, but also positive examples, make viewers familiar with use of renewable energy sources and care about energy efficiency. The show was broadcasted on 11th November 2015. The related show part be reached through the following link.
On 2nd July, 2015 University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) hosted the final conference of the ENHEMS-Buildings action which attracted a considerable number of participants from the research community, public and state institutions, as well as from the private companies. In the name of FER, the applicant, the participants were greeted by Assoc. Prof. Gordan Gledec, Vice-dean for science on FER, and in the name of Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia (DHMZ), the action partner, Dr. Sc. Branka Ivančan Picek, Head of the meteorological research sector, greeted the participants. Within the final conference talks were given by the action leaders from all the involved institutions: Assoc. Prof. Mario Vašak from FER as the action coordinator, Asst. Prof. Kristian Horvath from DHMZ, Ninoslav Kurtalj from Elma Kurtalj Ltd., the action associate partner, and Mr. Sc. Ružica Gajić from Hrvatski Telekom d.d., the action associate. Talks were followed by very interesting and constructive discussions. Within the detailed news section the list of talks is given with download links for related supportive materials presented during the talks. Also, few photos from the event are provided.
Research seminar on energy-efficient buildings with researchers of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek took place on 10th July, 2015 at the premises of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Within the research seminar researchers from Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and ENHEMS-Buildings team shared experiences and knowledge in the area of energy-efficient buildings. Also a sequence of talks with representatives of companies from Slavonija region was held. After a sequence of interesting talks followed by discussions, signficant collaboration possibilities are spotted. In the news sequel the list of held talks can be found together with materials used during the talks (in Croatian), as well as few photos from the event.
Research seminar on energy-efficient buildings with researchers on University of Rijeka took place on 6th July, 2015 at the premises of University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering. Within the seminar, researchers from University of Rijeka and ENHEMS-Buildings team shared experiences and knowledge in the area of energy-efficient buildings, including photovoltaic sources. Also IPA project AdriaTinn was presented as a platform for support to innovations-based small and medium enterprises. Signficant collaboration possibilities are spotted and they will be pursued in the coming time. In the news sequel the list of held talks can be found together with materials used during the talks (in Croatian), as well as few photos from the event.
Thematic discussion „Service of building control system enhancement in a computer cloud for economically optimal operation of the building – results of the ENHEMS-Buildings action“ and Research seminar on energy-efficient buildings with researchers on University of Split took place on 29th June, 2015 at the premises of University of Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. Within the events, researchers from University of Split and ENHEMS-Buildings team shared experiences and knowledge in the area of energy-efficient buildings, including microgrids and renewable energy sources. Very clear possibilities for collaboration are spotted and they will be pursued in the coming time. In the news sequel the list of held talks can be found together with materials used during the talk (in Croatian), as well as few photos from the event.
Mr. sc. Ružica Gajić participated on a conference of telecommunication companies owned by Deutsche Telekom in Darmstadt, Germany and presented the ENHEMS-Buildings action in a nutshell, focussed on the so far achieved results. The presentation was held to the representatives of Deutsche Telekom and telecommunication operators from Austria, Netherlands and Czech Republic (owned by Deutsche Telekom). The feedback obtained is very positive and a continuation of talks regarding possible collaboration is expected with a detailed presentation of the methodology from ENHEMS-Buildings and verification of cooling system performance. The presentation from the conference can be found here.
On the scientific conference MIPRO2015 which was held from 25th to 29th May, 2015 in Opatija the ENHEMS-Buildings action and its results are presented to interested representatives of companies, academic community and public administration on 26th May, 2015 within the thematic discussion Service of building control system enhancement in a computer cloud for economically optimal operation of the building – results of the ENHEMS-Buildings action. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Nedjeljko Perić and the panelists were: Mr. sc. Ružica Gajić (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.), Ninoslav Kurtalj (Elma Kurtalj d.o.o.), Asst. Prof. Kristian Horvath (Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service), and Assoc. Prof. Mario Vašak (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing).
At the innovation fair Inventum 2015 which was held in Ilok, Croatia from 22nd to 24th May 2015 the energy management system for buildings developed within the ENHEMS-Buildings project was awarded a
golden medal. On the fair the project was represented by mr. sc. Ružica Gajić (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.), Ninoslav Kurtalj (Elma Kurtalj d.o.o.), Tomislav Kovačić and Antonio Stanešić (Meteorological and Hydrological Service), as well as Anita Martinčević, Antonio Starčić and assoc. prof. Mario Vašak (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing). The awarded plaque and few photos from the event can be found in the news follow-up.
From 13th to 15th April 2015. newly employed staff members Antonio Starčić and Anita Martinčević together with action coordinator assoc. prof. Mario Vašak participated on The IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) 2015 Conference that took place in Zadar, Croatia. Paper titled „Estimation of disturbance heat flux in buildings“ was presented at the conference.
On Monday February 16, 2015 in Grey hall of University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing a research seminar on energy-efficient buildings in organization of SIIF actions ENHEMS-Buildings and Geothermal Mapping will be held, with kick-off at 09:15. Besides the researchers that take part in the said actions, in the seminar will also with their talks participate scientists from Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb. Goal of the research seminar is to show the achieved results in the mentioned actions and in other similar projects from the area of energy-efficient buildings and to try to bind them in the sense of further research and development. The summary and the seminar plan may be found here. The research seminar is open to all interested parties subject to previous announcement via e-mail by Thursday February 12, 2015 17:00 at latest. Because of the limited number of seats, the participation will be additonaly confirmed to all who applied via e-mail by Friday February 13, 2015 12:00 at latest.
ENHEMS-Buildings action was presented on Croatian National Television within the Eko zona show.
Eko zona is a weekly TV show on ecology, sustainable development, renewable energy sources, energy savings and environmental protection. One of the objectives of the show is through review of the difficulties and problems, but also positive examples, make viewers familiar with use of renewable energy sources and care about energy efficiency. Action ENHEMS-Buildings is recognized as one of the examples of how to improve energy efficiency of one the world’s biggest energy consumers - buildings, through use of advanced control algorithms and consolidation between industry and science. The show was broadcasted on 3th December 2014. The related show part be reached through the following link.
The first national meeting of atmospheric modellers and users of model products entitled "Application of atmospheric models to protect the environment and people" was held on November 27, 2014 in Zagreb.
The objective of the meeting was to ensure long-term communication between all interested and active participants in the creation and use of meteorological information, and provide a detailed overview of current and future activities in the field of numerical modelling of the atmosphere and its application.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings technical board took place on the October 6th, 2014 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Presentations were held by young researches from FER and DHMZ. They have presented advances in the work packages that involve estimation and modeling in buildings as well as upgrade of the weather forecast services. The current state of developments in all work packages were discussed, including the completed and pending deliverable reports. Detailed time and activity plans for forthcoming quarter was adopted.
From 21 to 24 October 2014 in Opatija international congress "Energy and the Environment 2014"was held, a traditional meeting of scientists and experts in the field of energy and environmental protection. The congress is held under the motto ‘’New technologies in energy and environmental protection’’.
Congress has dealt with priority topics relevant to sustainable energy development countries in Europe and throughout the world. The same took place through plenary lectures, technical and poster sessions as well as through thematic round tables. The meeting was attended by representatives from 18 countries.
From 12th to 15th October 2014. newly employed staff members Anita Martinčević and Antonio Starčić together with action coordinator assoc. prof. Mario Vašak participated on The 5th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) European2014 Conference that took place in Istanbul, Turkey. Poster related to paper titled „Parameter estimation for low-order models of complex buildings“ was presented at the conference.
14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC) took place in Prague, Czech Republic from 6th to 10th October 2014. The conference programme provided a platform for discussions on the provision and dissemination of meteorological and climate information to society, development and operational use of numerical models and plenty of interfaces for related sciences and applications: hydrology, agrometeorology, air quality and atmospheric composition, biometeorology, space weather and renewable energy potential.
The ENHEMS-Buildings project as well as its corresponding meteorological results were presented through two posters. Posters can be found in detailed news content.
European Researchers’ Night is a public event dedicated to popularization of science. It takes place every year all over Europe and beyond the last Friday of September. In 2014, these popular science events happened on Friday 26 September in around 300 cities located in 24 European and neighbouring countries. The main goal of the event was to raise public awareness of the importance of research careers in interactive and engaging ways and promote research careers to young people and their parents.
One of the participants of this year European Researcher’s’ Night was Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems (LARES). Laboratory and its ongoing projects (Will4Wind, ENHEMS-Builidings,CeeStructHealt, Microgrid) was presented through fun, interactive and educational workshops and presentations.
From 7th to 11th July 2014. action Coordinator assoc. prof. Mario Vašak, together with the representative of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (dr. Bojan Milovanović), representative of the Institute of development and international relations (Ana Pavičić Kaselj), representative of Rockwool (Anđelka Toto Ormuž) and media representatives (Jutarnji list and Hrvatska televizija) visited the Croatian Solar House „Membrain“. „Membrain“ solar house was on the display on the students competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in Paris. The representatives also attended the conference „Resilient Buildings“ organized by company Rockwool.
Action ENHEMS-Buildings was presented on Research and Education Infrastructure Dissemination Event (RIDE 2014) held in Opatija on 27th and 28th May 2014 as part of 37th MIPRO conference. The Action was presented through poster, short promotional video and live demonstration of thermodynamic model of FER building developed in IDA-Indoor Climate and Energy software.
On May 23, 2014 the annual meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings
action consortium was held on the University of Zagreb Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing. All members of the action
consortium were informed about the current status of the action progress
and the workplan for the second year of the action execution was agreed.
A series of cross-discipline technical discussions was held, related to
the forthcoming steps of the action execution.
A round table discussion “Energy efficiency in buildings” took place at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing as a part of the 5th Zagreb Energy Week 2014 (12.-17. May 2014). Round table discussion was held under the auspices of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing as well as ENHEMS-Buildings project. Three presentations were held.
Environmental protection and energy efficiency Fund was presented by Irena Dubravec, dipl. ing. stroj. Miss Dubravec pointed out the results achieved, the working principles and open calls for tenders. Maja Božičević Vrhovčak presented DOOR (Society for Sustainable Development Design) and their effort in development of a socially responsible national policy in the field of energy efficiency through public consultations and discussions specially trough IPA programme CENEP - Citizen Participation in Energy Efficiency Action Planning.
Assoc. Prof. Mario Vasak, presented ENHEMS-Buildings project. Importance of monitoring and measuring the energy consumed, especially in difficult conditions, such as determining calorific value of gas was highlighted through the discussion regarding ENHEMS-Buildings project. Therefore indirectly measuring consumption based on the thermal effect using the soft-sensored methods would give good results. Similar methods are already considered within the ENHEMS-Buildings project and the project consortium finds them very interesting.
ENHEMS-Buildings presentation from the round table can be downloaded here.
Action ENHEMS-Buildings and its effect on energy efficiency was presented by M.Sc. Ružca Gajić (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.) on an invited lecture held on the 6th Telecoms Energy Efficiency Forum, 7-8 April 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. The forum gathers high-level management personnel in the areas of telecommunications and energy-efficiency, and regionally it was oriented towards the fastly growing market of Arab countries. The Forum's theme was achieving reliable and cost-efficient telecommunication systems characterised by low energy consumption, minimum investment and expenditures and high level of sustainability. The action presentation attracted attention of the attendees since it, besides making buildings more energy-efficient, opens also possibilities for telecom operators to widen their services portfolio. The given project presentation can be found here.
The third quarterly meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings technical board took place on the 20th February, 2014 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Presentations were held by young researches from FER and DHMZ and senior researcher Tomislav Kovačić. They have presented advances in the work packages that involve estimation and modeling in buildings and upgrade of the weather forecast services. The current state of developments in all work packages was discussed, including the completed and pending deliverable reports. Detailed time and activity plans for forthcoming quarter was adopted.
DHMZ has organized expert meeting with observers at the main meteorological stations which took place on 18th and 19th of February 2014 in Zagreb, Croatia. The aim of the meeting was the exchange of knowledge and experience between meteorologists and meteorological observers from all over Croatia. The overall and specific objectives of ENHEMS-Buildings project were presented as well as application of measured data for the achieving project objectives. Since irradiance measurements are the basis for creating a solar irradiance modeling infrastructure relevant for irradiance forecasting, observers were trained to maintain the instruments in order to improve their knowledge about new measurement techniques and, consequently, the data quality. More information about the event can be found on the following link:¶m=pr13022014.
Training on IDA ICE simulation tool was held at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) from Monday to Tuesday (9th - 11th December 2013. ). Training was attented by newly employed staff, employees of the action associate Elma Kurtalj, students and employees of FER who can benefit from using such simulation tool.
IDA ICE is a building thermal dynamics simulation tool. More about IDA ICE can be found here.
On the Day of University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), held on 22nd November 2013, new projects coordinated by FER were presented through the poster session placed in the faculty hall. This way project ENHEMS-Buildings was presented to FER’s guests from economy, politics and academy. Poster in pdf format can be found here.
Scientific-professional conference Challenges in meteorology 3 took place in Zagreb, Croatia, from 21st to 22nd November 2013. The aims of conference were to exchange latest research results from atmospheric sciences, to point out the importance of meteorology in various human activities and to improve the communication between meteorologists and other experts who are using meteorological data. Department for automatic and special meteorological measurements participated in the conference and ENHEMS-Buildings project was presented with a brochure within an interactive workshop on the measuring methods in meteorology (i.e. instruments, automatic weather stations). More information about conference can be found on the following link:, and the ENHEMS-Buildings brochure can be downloaded from here.
The 13th European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting and the 11th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) were held from 9th to 13th September 2013 in Reading, UK. The main goal of the conference was the exchange of experiences and presenting the latest research in the field of applied meteorology. The emphasis was on application of meteorology in warning systems for high-impact weather, numerical weather prediction (NWP), communication, education and applied climatology. ENHEMS-Buildings action was presented and the results regarding verification of solar irradiation and total cloud cover were shown and discussed. Conference information can be found here:, and the presentation can be downloaded here.
As part of the Week of University of Zagreb 2013 the rector of University of Zagreb Prof. Aleksa Bjeliš has decided for the first time to organize the Presentation of significant achievements of young researchers, scientists and artists from the faculties of University of Zagreb (link). Assoc. Prof. Mario Vašak was given the honour to be the sole representative of young researchers from the technical faculties of the University on this Presentation. The event was organized on November 13, 2013 and Prof. Vašak has presented major results and achievments of his research work, whereas he also presented in a nutshell the ENHEMS-Buildings action, as the first reserach project that is coordinated by him. The presentation that accompanied his talk on the event can be found here.
The action ENHEMS-Buildings was presented via an invited talk given by Prof. Mario Vašak on the International Conference on Research and Entrepreneurship Partnership for Growth and Internationalisation of SMEs in Danube Region held in the Westin Hotel in Zagreb on November 27-28, 2013. The conference has been organized within EU Strategy for Danube Region, Priority Area 8 – Competitiveness, jointly coordinated by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Finance and Economics of Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany, and it was attended by government and authorities officials, as well as by SMEs and academic representatives from the Danube region. The ENHEMS-Buildings action has raised a significant interest by the attendees and several contacts have been established with SMEs from Hungary, Slovenia and Finland. The given presentation can be found on the conference web after free registraion or alternatively here.
The ENHEMS-Buildings action has been presented in proceedings of the Energy Conference 2013 held on Zagreb Fair on October 2 and 3, 2013. The action was presented within the panel F. Integration of renewble energy sources into the electric power system. Research results of the ENHEMS-Buildings project will enable to accurately predict the consumption of buildings and thus enable better exploitation of local renewable energy sources within the building's microgrid as well as interaction with the utility grid. The presentation material from the conference can be found here.
Research paper entitled „Estimation of the global solar irradiance on tilted surfaces“ was presented on the 17th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics that took place on 2–4 October 2013 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Paper deals with solar irradiance assessment on tilted surfaces based on known sun position on the sky dome (zenith and azimuth angles), as well as on solar irradiance components: direct (normal), diffuse (horizontal) and/or global (horizontal). Full article can be found here.
The ENHEMS-Buildings project was presented on international workshop “Upgrading Life in Historical Towns: Sustainable Energy“ organized by UNESCO, Croatian Association of Historic Towns, Marco Polo System, and Venice Office, that took place on 3–4 October 2013 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Workshop was focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in historical towns as part of global sustainability in the use of energy sources. The project was presented in the sense of importance of non-invasive solutions from the ICT domain for ensuring energy-efficiency in towns with protected heritage. More information about the workshop, as well as the presentation with which the project was presented, can be found on the following link:
The second quarterly meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings technical board took place on the 18th October, 2013 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
Presentations where held by newly employed in order to present advances in work packages that involve estimation, modeling and control in buildings and upgrade of weather forecast services. The currnet state of developments in all work packages was discussed. Time plan for forecoming quarter was adopted.
Brightcore, the open communication platform developed by associate Elma Kurtalj, that is to be used for implementation of the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) within ENHEMS-Buildings, has qualified among the first 50 best promising startups at Web Summit 2013, one of the largest global startups conferences!
Associate on the ENHEMS-Buildings action, president of Elma Kurtalj Ltd., Nino Kurtalj, dipl. ing. published an article in Public Service Europe Journal. The article can be found here.
The article also provides basic facts about the ENHEMS-Buildings action and sets it in a context of forthcoming technical developments in energy renovation of buildings Europe-wide.
The first quarterly meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings technical board, including also newly employed full-time engaged staff took place on the 17th July, 2013 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
All representatives of the consortium were present and current technical issues in action developments discussed with agreed detailed procedures for performing the forthcoming activities, foremost the collection of needs and requirements from the buildings sector in the area of energy management.
Kick-off meeting of the ENHEMS-Buildings action took place on the 9th May, 2013 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
The meeting was attended by all members of the consortium.
Welcoming address was given by Prof. Nedjeljko Perić, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, after which the review of the work plan, assignments and activities were given by Asst. Prof. Mario Vašak, the Action Coordinator. All consortium members got informed about the action objectives, outputs and activities, and team synchronization arrangements were agreed.
Photos from the meeting can be found in the detailed news content.
Action "ENHEMS-Buildings -- Enhancement of Research, Development and Technology Transfer Capacities in Energy Management Systems for Buildings" has started on Wednesday, 10th April, 2013.
Action duration is 24 months, from 10th April, 2013, to 9th April, 2015. The grant beneficiary is University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, partner on the action is Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, while associates are Elma Kurtalj Ltd. and Hrvatski Telekom. The action is financed by the European Union through Science and Innovation Investment Fund (IPA III.c component).
This web page has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this web page are the sole responsibility of University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
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Last updated: i 2020-11-28 at 11:05